203507 - Rapido Trains HO UAC TurboTrain (DC/DCC/Sound): VIA #2 - 5-Car Set: #149-204-259-229-154
RapidoOn December 20, 1967 the United Aircraft TurboTrain rocketed to an amazing 170.8 MPH on the Pennsylvania Railroad in New Jersey. To this date, this is still the fastest speed ever achieved by a production train in the United States or Canada.
On April 22, 1976 a Canadian National TurboTrain reached a speed of 140.6 MPH between Montreal and Toronto. This is still the Canadian speed record.
Rapido Trains Inc. founder Jason Shron had wanted a model of the TurboTrain since he was four years old. He started Rapido back in 2004 so he could one day own an HO scale model of this train. It was Rapido’s first powered model in 2008, and while it looked wonderful, its operational problems reflected the inexperience of Jason and his small team.
In 2022, Rapido Trains Inc. is delighted to announce Turbo 2.0. Finally, TurboTrain fans around the world can enjoy a model of their favorite train that runs and sounds as well as it looks. Rapido is also tooling the one car we could not afford to tool back in 2008: IC-34, the Canadian Turbo coach with additional luggage space.
The Rapido Trains HO scale United Aircraft Turbo 2.0 features:
- Designed from original United Aircraft blueprints
- New, smooth-running drive system with excellent slow-speed performance
- Completely redesigned Single Axle Trucks with free rolling, needlepoint axles
- Every wheel on the train picks up power for rock-solid reliability
- Unique Canadian and American versions
- Accurate colors on Amtrak models approved by Amtrak
- Three different Power Dome Cars and six different Intermediate Cars for total accuracy
- Bright, golden-white LED headlights and redesigned, roof-mounted SMD interior lighting system
- ESU LokSound V5 decoders and high-quality speakers in each Power Dome Car
- The only accurate TurboTrain sounds recorded from the last surviving prototypes in 1982
- Will easily negotiate curves down to 18” radius
- Works on DC or DCC
- Available in 3-car and 5-car sets, with 4-car Canadian add-on sets to make the complete 9-car train
- Turbo 2.0 is not compatible with the 2008 model.