This decoder can be shipped with a sound file pre-loaded by The Train Exchange. If you would like a sound file pre-loaded before shipping, please follow the link below to chose your preferred sound file. The Train Exchange can assist in choosing an appropriate sound file if necessary. Please note that if a sound file is not pre-loaded by The Train Exchange, the decoder is blank (that is to say that the generic diesel sound in the decoder is for speaker testing only and isn’t representative of a specific type of locomotive). The Train Exchange does not charge any type of fee for pre-loading sound files.
European sound files are also available for upload should you require one.
An ESU Lokprogrammer is also available for purchase if you want to load your own sound files or create your own. This is not a necessity, as once the sound file is loaded, cv programming can be done using conventional methods such as through a your DCC system of choice.
Please indicate your sound file choice in the notes section when ordering the decoder at checkout, as well as any other special instructions or requests.
ESU LokSound V5 Micro Next 18
The LokSound 5 micro is a “little wonder”: With only 21mmx10mm footprint, it is by far one of the smallest LokSound decoders we’ve ever built. Thus it should fit into all N gauge and TT vehicles, but is also suitable for small H0 vehicles. All LokSound decoders are equipped with a Next18 interface and are available with adapter plugs to suit all popular digital interface types.
The LokSound 5 micro DCC is made for the North American and Australian markets. It is a pure DCC Decoder, which supports RailComPlus and can also be used on DC layouts. Please note the LokSound 5 DCC decoder does not come with a speaker.