60-1523 Microscale Industries Modern Graffiti Decals for N Scale Railroads
Microscale Industries
This is the N Scale Canaan, Connecticut, Union Station Laser-Art Kit (11 x 10 x 3-1/2'' 27.9 x 24.4 x 8.8cm) from Branchline Trains.
The Canaan, Connecticut Union Station was built in 1872 at the junction of the Central New England and Housatonic railroads (both later part of the New Haven). A major architectural landmark, it stood intact and essentially as built until 2001 when it was severely damaged by arson. Thanks to a grass roots local effort, the station is currently undergoing a complete restoration.
This kit depicts the station circa 1940 - the plan has been modified slightly to accommodate a 90° diamond crossing (the original is at about an 85° angle) but can be modified for those that want to portray it accurately and lay their own track - based on plans provided by the restoration firm along with copies of the original plans and information provided by the New Haven Railroad Historical and Technical Association. Kit includes wood, resin and photo-etched parts, Grandt Line baggage carts, appropriate signs and posters and much more.